Thursday, May 28

Twitter, hooker hotbed?

I broke down and got a Twitter account yesterday. One thing that became immediately apparent was the amount of lady creepers, who I had no idea existed, already following me. Who are these women? Pod people, La Femme Nikita, Stepford wives, or not people at all? Did I just not get the memo that, when taking Russian in college, I would be graciously enrolled for a lifetime membership into the Publisher's Clearing House harlot hit squad? It seems like the more Twitter friends (in triple digits) these innocent females have without pictures, the greater the focus is on nefarious business time related activities. I'm talking socks off, Wednesday night, every night. Except, in most circumstances, the second warm body and heartbeat are nowhere to be found without the company of mace and a bouncer named Bruno.

On the rare off chance there is a fine lady lurking you out of nowhere on Twitter, ladies and gentlemen, run or prepare to get your wallet out. Otherwise, be very suspect of sexy sirens with names that have more than three x's or k's. No mother is that cruel, but if just one snuk past dear Mamulya, out of Russia, and into your life via coy, innocent Twitter flirtation, good luck! In Soviet Russia, woman roofies you! Should have used Craigslist!

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