Thursday, May 28

People Are People, But What Kind of Excuse is That?

Obviously, people have their quirks. My mother can't go one meal without putting sauce on something, anything. Some people, however, have just taken it too far. These are the people for whom the term 'beat down' was created. The reasons why a sock full of quarters might just come in handy while waiting in that line at Starbucks for an obligatory morning coffee. These people will not be inside - no! They will be lurking around the corner asking for a sip of your coffee and a drag of your cigarette, but just a drag. These are subhumans, and they live along side all of us. They have no shame and are far from all being hobos. They sit next to us in traffic, the subway, and will even squeeze next to you in your semi-vacant booth at the mall while you try to think of ways to stay awake at work until 5 after gut busting all that Panda Express. They have no shame and this rant is just what a Thursday morning warrants.

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