Saturday, August 29

Facebook ADD

I have a severe case of Facebook ADD today.

What is this, you ask? The inability to complete simple tasks like sending emails, working, going to the store, working out, paying attention to the cats, watching a tv show from start to finish because I CAN"T STOP CHECKING FACEBOOK!

Whilst on Facebook (which I like to refer to as "THE TRAP"), attempts to type messages, update status, have a coherent chat with anyone are thwarted by oooh I'll just click that...and that...and this and open 5 new windows and then have 5 windows open where this is going on, then i can't find the window with my status update or the message I was typing. Then, when I find the right window with my message or status and see that someone comments on my status or changes their status, or see wtf ads pop up (like "love fishing") or something on the page catches my eye like a new chat, etc, I will then CLICK FAIL my way out of the message or status update and they are gone for good. I then have to try to remember the staggering genius that I was typing and my humor fails me every time to produce a sub-par replica of "the ghost of status past". Multiple curses ensue! Sometimes I even yell the word "curses" as an exclamation to my lack of focus!

I look at Facebook like the man lurking in a dark, hot-trash-smelling alley wearing a trench coat laden with stolen watches. I know know know better, but I can't resist. I will rip myself off and ignore important time and tasks. Alas, not today. It has taken about 30 minutes, countless clicks to resist, 14 emails written and read, 6 chats, and a general questioning of my sanity to type this note.

Does anyone hear me on this?

Oh, and there is a post-script:

Dear Facebook ADD Fariy,

I am going to hunt you down and KILL YOU!
Run and hide, because I am going outside.


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