Monday, August 24


There is a new tactic in town to spread the word for music venues and up-and-coming bands. Instead of the traditional littering of fliers on car windshields, bands and venues are turning to impromptu "secret shows" to drum up buzz. This trend is also used to keep clubs at a low capacity when an artist decides he wants to play a free show last minute and keep the number of people at a minimum. Either way, secret shows serve their purpose to either keep it down or turn it up to eleven!

The basic principle behind the show is that no one in Los Angeles can keep a secret show secret. It is the ultimate Jedi mind trick for the indie generation.

There is a distinct formula for success of an event like this, with the primary rule of the secret show being that the venue and/or band's name must always remain unspoken. Usually there is a slim amount of time to promote the secret show, so having ninja-like rhyming skills is also a must. To quote a direct secret show invite, "We're going to be playing at a venue you all know and love that is named after a snake and rhymes with 'hyper boom' and begins with a V and is on Sunset Blvd." Very cryptic.

How does one get invited to or hear about a show if it is secret? This is where social media comes into play. Get a Facebook, become a fan of bands you like, talk to people who regularly go to shows, even go alone alone. You will be invited out to secret shows and enjoy the glory of being part of a revolution. Plus, secret shows are usually free and make you the coolest one out of all your friends.

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