Monday, June 1

Creepadoodles Lives Here

A Denver apartment tenant "found" a two-way mirror in his shower (details on how long it took after moving in were not made clear) and alerted the police Monday after discovering a six-inch hole in the wall leading to a maintenence closet. Secured with a combination lock, the viewing room, er closet, linked directly to the two-way mirror, which was at first mistaken for an oversized shaving mirror. The tennant and his two female roommates immediately moved out to an undisclosed location. When questioned, other tennants stated numerous occasions where the janitor had been sighted enjoying an abnormal amount of time in the closet by candlelight. Upone discovery, the closet was said to have been littered with empty bottles of Cicso and Jergen's lotion. The creepadoodle apartment janitor remains at large in his modified ice cream truck.

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